di Sevil Aracı

I’m a person who’s trying to make it a fun time while waiting.

Sevil Aracı

This is a poem of a separation that is hoped to be short-lived. Perhaps dreaming of the return is one of my efforts to make it fun…

Sevil Aracı


You left.
Like a power cut on a faithful day
It felt like all life had halted
So as to create a better one.
You left.
As sudden as when power is restored
On a scarlet morning waking up from sleep
That’s how you will return.
When returning
Bring a sip of water in your cupped hands
To sprinkle it on my heart.
Fill your eyes with sunlight
In the misty darkness of winter days
Throw a stone
Tear down the sky
Let the clouds crack
Let your eyes rise like the sun
Fill your pockets with spring
Hurl it all around
To the mountains, to the rocks.
May flowers bloom where you pass
But (may they thrive) with such shameless fervor
that you won’t be able to find your way back.

Many thanks to Asli Zengin and Tom Madge for the translation from Turkish to english

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